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General Knowledge

As someone who was adopted, Amy loves exploring stories of identity and found family. A college athlete, she discovered a core found family in her team and coaches. She fosters that spirit of community today as a coach of a D1 women’s basketball team. She prioritizes players’ mental health because she knows first-hand how life-changing sports and athletics can be.


As a member of the LGBTQ family, Amy is passionate about telling stories that bring to life the culture and experiences of that community. She dedicates time to researching her family's ethnic and cultural backgrounds and learning all that she can about her familial Cherokee and indigenous histories. Amy lives with celiacs and has learned to completely change her eating and lifestyle habits due to her disease, she can be your go-to resource on life adjustments.


Amy has performed in over 30 different Shakespeare productions and is devoted to mentoring newer actors. Her passion for improv and accents spills over into her role playing experience in various games such as Dungeons and Dragons. In college, she studied European medieval history and the religious wars even though she considers herself to be agonistic. 


With each character she voices, she gains a new member of her found family and deepens her ability to tell authentic stories.

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